Two Centuries, One Year
A historical novel of the First World War
By Ann Calwell

Hart + Harvest Press is dedicated to bringing compelling stories, ideas and original thought to our readers, in areas that include legal issues, business, media, history, and narrative nonfiction.
The perfect handbook for this age of show trials
Not having a crisis plan is like sending your team onto the field and only then making up the plays. You may win the game… but I wouldn’t bet on it.
No stodgy treatise, Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy is an anthology and analysis of the sports crises involving professional and collegiate athletes, teams, leagues and brands. Featuring histories involving Nike, Tom Brady, FIFA, March Madness–and a special interview with legendary sports broadcaster Bob Costas!
Case studies ripped from the headlines including case histories involving NFL crises like the Washington Commanders discrimination and name change issues, the U.S. Women Soccer team pay equity litigation, NCAA investigations and Name, Image and Likeness crisis, and many, many more.
Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy also features an overview of crisis communications for sports brands, teams and athletes, as well as interviews with top sports opinion leaders and communicators, drawn from PRCG’s Crisis Communications in Sports podcast.
Jim Rocco and Thom Weidlich, editors.
Jim Rocco is Managing Director of PRCG | Sports. In addition to his background in sports marketing, branding, and public relations, he has been involved in crisis communications in the sports and entertainment industries for more than 20 years.
Jim’s experience includes more than 15 years at HBO Sports, where he worked on a broad range of sports-related issues, including boxing, football, golf, and other programs.
Thom Weidlich is a crisis communications specialist and former reporter at Bloomberg News. Mr. Weidlich was a journalist for more than 20 years including at The National Law Journal, PRWeek, and Direct Mail. Additionally, he worked as a freelance journalist for The New York Times, ABA Journal, and many other media outlets.
Pre-Order Available
If you want to pre-order a copy of Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy, please email your name, address, and how many copies you’d like to
With a new Afterword covering the communications challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and more!
As seen in the Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur and Inc. magazine.
The 2023 Hart + Harvest paperback edition of Chief Crisis Officer: Structure and Leadership for Effective Communications Response is a must-read for communicators, business executives and others who want to control a public crisis… before it controls them.
Chief Crisis Officer is built on the premise that every company, organization, and high-profile individual needs structure and leadership for effective crisis communications response. Using a mixture of real-life examples, analysis and tactical guidance, Chief Crisis Officer breaks down crisis events into their component parts and provides both a strategy approach and the proper tools to enable the Chief Crisis Officer to assemble the team and respond when the inevitable occurs.
Called “a powerhouse” in public relations and crisis communications by the prestigious Chambers & Partners international directory, James F. Haggerty is a writer, attorney and consultant based in New York.
Jim has worked with high-profile legal and crisis issues for more than twenty years, including some of the largest cases of their kind in history. His writing on communications issues has appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, Fortune, Inc., Forbes, The National Law Journal, and PR Week, and he was also a columnist for American Lawyer’s Corporate Counsel magazine for nearly five years, where he was twice nominated for a Neal Award for Business-to-Business Journalism.
“The perfect handbook for this age of show trials.” – Financial Times
A lawyer’s duties do not begin and end at the courtroom door. They extend beyond the courtroom to the proverbial “court of public opinion.”
This book is your essential guide to understanding how public relations during lawsuits should be handled with the same seriousness and care as any other aspect of the case. Whether you are a lawyer at an outside law firm, corporate counsel, a business executive, or a high-profile individual, you need a system for managing communications during litigation to ensure that you win this critical battle.
Earlier editions of In the Court of Public Opinion were highly praised by both legal and non-legal audiences. Now acclaimed writer and consultant James F. Haggerty expands and updates his acclaimed book in this Third Edition, adding significant new updates on attorney-client privilege, as well as the impact of social media on court cases. Anyone confronting significant litigation needs this book to make sure they win the entire case—in and out of the courtroom.
Called “a powerhouse” in public relations and crisis communications by the prestigious Chambers & Partners international directory, James F. (“Jim”) Haggerty is a writer, attorney and consultant based in New York.
Jim has worked with high-profile legal and crisis issues for more than twenty years, including some of the largest cases of their kind in history. His writing on communications issues has appeared in The New York Times, USA Today, Fortune, Inc., Forbes, The National Law Journal, and PR Week, and he was also a columnist for American Lawyer’s Corporate Counsel magazine for nearly five years, where he was twice nominated for a Neal Award for Business-to-Business Journalism.
At Hart + Harvest Press, we believe in critical thinking that tests conventional wisdom. Thoughtful argument, not empty slogans. Understanding, not posturing. Ideas, not ideology. Above all, we believe in the power of language, of narrative, of stories and storytelling, to entertain, enlighten, and persuade.
From our beginnings, focused on books in the communications and crisis public relations fields, Hart + Hart is branching out into a variety of nonfiction arenas—all in keeping with our core mission of publishing great books by thoughtful authors on topics that educate and inspire.
Founded and supported by a well-established marketing and publicity firm, Hart + Harvest creates books with impact and staying power. Our goal is not to be the biggest… only the best.
Hart + Harvest is thrilled to release the latest edition of the landmark book by attorney, author and communications consultant James F. Haggerty, with a provcative new Preface on the COVID-19 and Ukraine crises.
Hart + Harvest Press is pleased to announce that it will publish a new book, Sports Crisis Communications: Cases…
The landmark communications book that took the legal and media worlds by storm in 2003 will celebrate its 20th anniversary…
Hart + Harvest author James F. (“Jim”) Haggerty has been elected unanimously as Chairman of the Board of The Crisis…
Hart + Harvest Press is thrilled to release the latest edition of Chief Crisis Officer: Structure and Leadership for Effective Communications Response, by noted attorney, author and communications consultant James F. Haggerty. The new edition is now available for purchase on platforms such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, independent booksellers, and at
The Hart + Harvest edition of Chief Crisis Officer features a new preface that provocatively looks at the communication impacts of two of the most dominant crisis events of the past several years: the COVID-19 pandemic, and Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
On the COVID crisis, Haggerty writes that the government’s disastrous public response “serves as a prime example of why basic principles of crisis communications are so critical, including: having structure and leadership in place for response before a crisis occurs; ensuring an actionable plan that everyone understands and buys into; understanding the importance of rapid response protocols in an age of social media and other instant communications; and creating messages that are compelling and clear… messages that resonate with your audience.”
On the subject of messaging, Haggerty contrasts the COVID failures with the success of President Volodymyr Zelensky in the wake of Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
“As in the public speeches of Churchill, Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan,” Haggerty writes, “Zelensky chose his words and images incredibly carefully, rallying the Western world to a cause thought hopeless in the early days of the conflict.”
Haggerty adds: “There was no committee noodling his words on Google Docs, adding various equivocations and lawyerly qualifications. No banal clichés. None of the muddied verbiage of the type that ensures that the bulk of your audience doesn’t hear your message at all.”
Structure and Leadership
In Chief Crisis Officer, Haggerty emphasizes the necessity for all organizations, regardless of size, to (1) have the structure in place for effective communications response, and (2) appoint a leader who can execute in the heat of the modern crisis—the “Chief Crisis Officer.”
“Crisis communications planning is not merely for the largest of companies facing the biggest of issues in the most major of media outlets,” Haggerty writes. “Effective crisis communications is for everyone involved with issues or events that could negatively impact their organization.”
Throughout the book, readers will gain insights into crisis management, including the anatomy of a crisis, the selection of a Chief Crisis Officer, the creation of a crisis communications plan, rapid response strategies, crafting the right messages, and more. Since its original release, Chief Crisis Officer has become mandatory reading for CEOs, business executives, lawyers, public affairs and public relations executives, and high-profile individuals who seek guidance in crisis management.
Prior editions of Chief Crisis Officer have been positively featured in publications that include the Harvard Business Review, Fortune and Entrepreneur magazines.
About James F. Haggerty
Called a “powerhouse of PR and communications” by Chambers & Partners’ international directory, James F. Haggerty is a well-known author, attorney and communications consultant. Haggerty is CEO of PRCG | Haggerty LLC, an internationally renowned public relations firm based in New York City, and its sports brand, PRCG | Sports. He is also president of the Crisis Protection Network (CPN), an association of senior communications executives in 16 cities worldwide.
Haggerty is also the author of In the Court of Public Opinion: Winning Strategies for Litigation Communications, Third Edition (Hart + Harvest Press, 2022), which has been called to as “the perfect handbook for this age of show trials…” by Financial Times. The first business book to examine the interplay of media, public relations, and public perception during litigation, In the Court of Public Opinion was named one of the Top 10 PR Books of the Year by The Holmes Report. A 20th anniversary edition will be published in 2023.
Hart + Harvest Press is pleased to announce that it will publish a new book, Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy, in Spring 2024. Sports Crisis Communications is the first book of its kind on the market specifically targeted to the challenges and idiosyncrasies of sports crisis communications.
Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy is an anthology and analysis of the best coverage from PRCG | Sports “Knowledge Exchange” blog—including Tom Brady’s “Deflategate” crisis, NFL crises like the Washington Commanders discrimination and name change issues, the U.S. Women Soccer team pay equity litigation, NCAA investigations and Name, Image and Likeness crisis, and many, many more. The new book also features an overview of crisis communications for sports brands, teams and athletes, as well as interviews with top sports opinion leaders and communicators, drawn from PRCG’s Crisis Communications in Sports podcast.
Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy is no stodgy treatise. It is drawn from the day-to-day work of one of the premier sports public relations firms in the nation. Writers include Jim Rocco, Managing Director of PRCG | Sports (and formerly of HBO Sports), and Thom Weidlich, editor of PRCG’s Knowledge Exchange and a former reporter for Bloomberg News and the National Law Journal, among others.
Sports Crisis Communications: Cases and Controversy will have a list price of $29.95 for the hardcover edition, and $14.99 in e-book format.
For more information, contact
The landmark communications book that took the legal and media worlds by storm in 2003 will celebrate its 20thanniversary with a completely updated new edition in Winter, 2023!
In the Court of Public Opinion: Winning Strategies for Litigation Communications was the first book of its kind: a practical guide to the intersection (some call it “collision”) of law, media and public relations in an era of 24-hour news, the internet, social media and televised trials. Financial Times has called In the Court of Public Opinion “the perfect handbook for this age…” while the book was also prominently feature in media across the world, including The Wall Street Journal, CNN, CNBC, Inc., the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, ABA Journal, the National Law Journal, American Lawyer, the New York Law Journal, and many, many more.
In the Court of Public Opinion was cited in court opinions, textbooks and law review articles, used in universities and law school classrooms, spawned more than a few imitators and otherwise helped ease the acceptance of modern communications as a legitimate tool in a litigator’s arsenal.
The new edition of In the Court of Public Opinion will look at all of the high-profile cases that have dominated both traditional media and social media over the past several years, including the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp litigation, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and other #MeToo civil and criminal cases, antitrust battles such as the Simon & Shuster/Penguin Random house fight, as well as sports cases such as the NCAA Name Image & Likeness litigation that went all the way the U.S. Supreme Court and changed college sports forever.
As in prior editions, author James F. Haggerty will also give real-life examples from the many cases he’s been involved with, including significant environmental, criminal fraud and sports-related cases across the globe. Haggerty, an attorney, writer and communications consultants, is considered one of the top litigation communications consultants in the world. The prestigious Chambers & Partners international directory has repeatedly ranked Haggerty and his firm as one of the top public relations consultants in the United States, a “powerhouse” who “thinks on a different level,” bringing a “double barrel of legal and media experience” to his work.” The Washington Post has called Haggerty “an expert in PR strategies in high-profile court cases,” while a prominent PR trade publication notes he “literally wrote the book on Litigation PR.” In 2017, PR News named him to its list of “50 Game Changers of PR” for his work as a “trailblazer” in litigation communications, and The New York Times has noted that Haggerty’s firm provides “sophisticated” “round-the-clock” global services to clients in crisis and litigation matters.
An attorney admitted in New York and Florida, Haggerty was a columnist for American Lawyer’s Corporate Counsel magazine from 2011 to 2015, where he was twice named a finalist for the prestigious Neal Award for Business Journalism—often called “the Pulitzer Prize for business-to-business journalism—the only full-time public relations professional ever to be so honored.
The 20th Anniversary Edition of In the Court of Public Opinion: Winning Strategies for Litigation Communications will have a list price of $29.95 for the hardcover edition, and $14.99 in e-book format. For more information, contact
Hart + Harvest author James F. (“Jim”) Haggerty has been elected unanimously as President of The Crisis Protection Network (CPN), an exclusive association of crisis management professionals from more than a dozen cities around the world who share a commitment to excellence in crisis management and brand protection.
Haggerty is the author of In the Court of Public Opinion: Winning Strategies for Litigation Communications (3rd Edition, Hart + Harvest Press, 2019), which Financial Times has called “the perfect handbook for this age of show trials.” Since its original publication in 2003, In the Court of Public Opinion has been universally acclaimed as the leading book of effective communications response during litigation and other legal crises. Jim is also the author of Chief Crisis Officer: Structure and Leadership for Effective Communications Response (ABA Books, 2019) – with a new edition scheduled for 2023 covering the COVID-19 crisis and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Chief Crisis Officer has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Fortune and Entrepreneur magazines, among others.
Organized under Swiss law, the Crisis Protection Network offers a range of reputation management services, planning, training and education. Members exchange business and best practices from locations aorund the globe.
In addition to PRCG locations New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles, the Crisis Protection Network currently has members in Amsterdam, Atlanta, Beijing, Chiasso, Hong Kong, London, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Singapore, Toronto and Zurich. Comprehensive services are offered in three main categories – Advisory Services, Intelligence & Research and Training & Education.
An attorney, consultant and author based in New York, Haggerty has been called “a powerhouse” of strategic communications by the prestigious international directory Chambers & Partners.
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